NEW MORNING which came as a revelation and mandate during the global lockdown in 2020 has become an answer to so many we couldn't reach via the mother platform (MY GENERATION REJOICE MINISTRY INT'L, birthed 2007). It's spreading fast across nations and by God's grace in less than 2yrs NEW MORNING has spread to 18 nations and still counting. The testimonies are simply amazing. The mandate is to reach all nations with a balanced gospel (good news)
In NEW MORNING, we reach out to our generation via audio and virtual devotionals.!
The most amazing part of it is that it cuts across all age bracket and people can listen to it while driving, eating, relaxing, shopping or at the gym, anywhere!
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life - John 3:16!
For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved - John 3:17!
Our Vision
Building a Total Generation, Spirit, Soul and Body to assume their God given positions via workshops, virtual and live seminars, audio devotionals!
To liberate people from religion into deep relationship with God via teachings from virtual and live meetings, audio devotionals and workshops!
Our Mission
Restoring lives through the preaching of the gospel and running charitable organizations across nations to empower the less privileged in churches, orphans, motherless, widows, school dropouts thereby creating positive impact that will stand the test of time!
To empower them to become nation builders via audio devotionals, virtual and live seminars, workshops etc. And to give succor to the downtrodden!
NEW MORNING This is a podcast ( devotional) platform where nations are reached and blessed easily and faster.
KEEPING THE VOWS A quarterly outreach for couples. A moment of reflection and complete turn-around via workshops, seminars etc.
LIVING GENERATION (YOUTH OUTREACH) This is God’s heartbeat and egg-yolk,of our generation. Divinely packaged as an answer for their quest. We empower them via virtual serminars, talkshows (singles&mingles) etc
OH WOMAN REJOICE An outreach for everywoman( single or married). We teach and prepare them to divinely occupy their positions and remain productive spirit soul n body.
MATTERS OF THE HEART(reaching the unreached) A platform that drives across nations touching lives. Spirit Soul and Body. HERE (with our network system) WE DISCOVER, WE REACH AND WE BLESS, the less privileged, prisoners, orphans, motherless, widows and widowers. The school dropouts, homeless, those suffering from depression, the abused especially the young girls are not left out. The network system helps us to locate them, and offer a helping hand.